Secure Software Development: Best Practices and Frameworks

At the present time, software can be described as running the world, as it permeates almost all spheres of modern people’s existence. In the light of increasing dependency on software, its protection is an ever increasing essentiality. Unlike many consultancy firms who are limited by their business model to only advising their clients that they should adopt secure software development, Essential InfoSec acknowledges the value of secure S spoil out and offers knowledge and expertise on how best this can be achieved and the different framework that can be used in matters concerning the security of software

Through engaging in active planning, an organization can recognize and address any weaknesses before they develop into threats as such, which would pose a threat towards customer confidence and business profits.

Essential InfoSec recommends the following best practices for secure software development:

Secure Coding Practices: Employing OWASP’s Guidelines for Secure Coding Practices and avoiding submission of form input values into SQL statements, uncontrolled data input, use of unsanitized and unchecked input, and use of get requests to pass form input values to server scripts.

Threat Modeling: Explaining how a threat and the corresponding attack vector can be assessed and designed at the early stage of the system development to apply sufficient security measures.

Static and Dynamic Analysis: Procedures such as using tools of the static code analysis and dynamic testing to identify and correct the flaws in the SDLC.

Secure Configuration Management: Maintaining the correct version, change and deployment procedures associated with configuration management to achieve secure configurations.

Security Training and Awareness: Conducting periodic security training and information sharing with developers to keep them informed of the various security characteristics that should be incorporated in the development process and the emerging security issues that need to be guarded against in the development process.

In addition to these best practices listed above, it is recommended to join the Innovative system security program which is associated with applying secure software development life cycles like Microsoft Security Development Life cycle and Building Security In Maturity Model. These frameworks include processes and standards that promote the application of integrated security throughout the different phases of the SDLC and encourage organizations to embrace the culture of secure coding.

Through the wealth of experience displayed in this area by Essential InfoSec, companies can effectively construct applications that are secure and sustainable within existing and future environments to avoid future risks and prevent organizational failure in the modern digital economy.

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